Thanks to Mike and Lou we were able to spend a few days in Maine and visit some of my favorite places.
The Faces of Brimfield
According to their website the Brimfield Antiques Show is “the largest and best-known outdoor antiques show in the country. Running along Rt. 20 for a distance of perhaps a half-mile and perhaps 500′ or more, back on each side of the highway, the Brimfield Show is a huge, vast undertaking, filled with thousands of dealers dealers over the course of the week, selling everything from the finest antiques to ‘yard junk’, requiring a day or two to see everything there is to see. Food courts and rest facilities abound, and the Shows are filled with hidden treasures and the ‘right kind of people’, creating a safe and fun environment for everyone, children included.
Brimfield is a quaint, picturesque rural New England town, home to 3,000 residents. Founded in 1731, (the year before George Washington was born), the town’s 35 square miles are surrounded by apple orchards, horse farms, and wooded hills in an area known as the Pioneer Valley, and Foothills of the Berkshires.”
I have come to this show off-and-on for over 30 years and every time I am amazed by the variety of items for sale and all the different faces you encounter along the way.
This time I focused on the face that were for sale.